Completing Paperwork For Your Personal Injury Case
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Completing Paperwork For Your Personal Injury Case

Hi there, I am Sonya. Welcome. I am excited to talk to you today about completing paperwork for your personal injury case. The paperwork itself doesn't excite me, but helping you get the compensation you deserve does. The sheer amount of work required for this type of case can feel staggering. As the documents pile up, you should hire a personal injury attorney to help you out. These professionals can quickly and thoroughly complete the paperwork you need for your case. Your attorney will also help you gather evidence and witness statements to further strengthen your case for your court date. My site will explore the process of completing paperwork on your own and with help from an attorney.


Completing Paperwork For Your Personal Injury Case

Can You File a Claim for Injuries to an Unborn Child After a Car Accident?

Christopher Wilson

Car accidents can be dangerous to all parties involved, but especially expectant mothers. In an accident, the unborn child is also at risk. If you were involved in a car accident and were pregnant at the time, here is what you need to know.  

What Injuries Can Occur?

Even in a low-speed impact with a car, the health of your unborn child could be at risk in an accident. There are several injuries that could incur, including the development of a birth defect. An accident could also cause premature labor, cause the need for a Cesarean section, or cause the placenta to detach from your womb. Unfortunately, a car accident can also cause a miscarriage.  

It is important that you seek medical treatment immediately following a car accident, even if you do not believe you have suffered any injuries. There is a possibility that you have experienced an internal injury that has gone undetected by a simple examination. 

Can You Sue for Injuries to Your Unborn Child?

It is likely that you can file a claim for your unborn child if he or she suffered any injuries from the accident in which you were involved. You will need to prove that your child was in good health prior to the accident. Your medical records from the OB/GYN can help with proving this.  

In addition to receiving compensation for injuries to your child, you can also negotiate with the insurance company for future medical treatment that your child might need in relation to the accident. For instance, if your child needs physical therapy years later because he or she developed a birth defect that was directly related to the accident, you can receive help with covering the costs.  

Your child's injuries are not the only damages you can file a claim for. The stress you experience from worrying about your child's health should also receive compensation. You can consider this to be pain and suffering, which is normally part of a personal-injury claim.  

If your unborn child did not survive the accident or later died as a result of the injuries, you can file a wrongful-death claim against the responsible party.  

Your car-crash attorney can help you determine which damages you should file for in your claim. If the insurance company is unwilling to pay for those damages, your attorney can help you file a lawsuit or explore other options to recover compensation.

Click this link to learn more. 
